>> t h e .w o r d .o n .t h e .s t r e e t.:
dec 7 ARE YOU READY FOR WZLY TRIVIA CONTEST? we hope so. you could stand to win vibrators, pizza, or time to shout your fierce victory rant on air for 30 mins. we even have secret gift certificates.
here's what to do:
1. get some friends together to celebrate the last day of classes [TUES. DEC. 12TH]
2. tune in on your radios to 91.5 fm or listen to us online at wzly.net (here) at 10 PM
3. answer our questions, AND BECOME A TRIVIA HERO.
...and yes, you can google. but we're not saying it will help.
nov 16 wzly is back! overhaul is almost complete and we're all super excited.
already this semester we've had numbers and golden shoulders ... we hope to have some other great shows once the station gets all fancy. and stuff.
NOW: lulu cd sale. come buy records and cds for very low prices.
DEC 12: trivia contest! prizes! insanity!
aug 30 wzly is in the middle of overhauling their studio equipment. 3 big hurrahs: !!! we should be ready for broadcast by late september. thanks for all your support!
apr 3 coming to see voxtrot and irving perform on tuesday april 11th? unsure how to get to wellesley college? click here for off-campus directions. once you're on campus, drive east on wellesley college rd until you see a large angular building made of copper and brick on your right. this is the lulu chow wang center and the show will be inside, on the first floor in tishman commons. parking is in davis lot, as directions indicate.
apr 1 on tuesday becoming your new friday:
wzly is proud to present MORE ROCK AND ROLL in the form of voxtrot and irving. this show is on tuesday, april 11th at 8pm in tishman commons [lcw campus center, doors at 7:30]. not only do these bands put on kick-ass live shows, but this will be the last wzly-sponsored concert of the '05-'06 year, so soak it up!
questions? email promotions@ or , or post to the wzly conference on firstclass.
the joggers and mittens are coming to perform at wellesley college! the show is on tuesday march 28th at 9pm [doors at 8:30] in tishman commons [wang center, first floor]. only wellesley/cross-registered students may attend. and if you're worried about missing that dawn of the dead mumbojumbo, worry not! that should finish just in time for you to swing by and hear a little live rock&roll and polish off your short-lived spring break. brought to you by the electric ladies of WZLY.
mar 12 a. the spring on-air schedule has been posted for your browsing pleasure.
b. although we missed film school, the cloud room's performance on friday was a success and a hell-of-a-good time. thanks to everyone who helped set-up/break-down.
mar 8 FRIDAY'S CONCERT HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK TO A LATER TIME! doors are now at 9:30 pm, show is now at 10pm. show location (jewett gallery) and date (3/10) remain the same. wzly appreciates your patience.
feb 25 The Cloud Room and Film School are performing at wellesley on friday, march 10th in the student art gallery [in the jewett art center]. this show - brought to you by wzly - is free for wellesley students with ID, $5 for guests. doors at 7pm, show at 8. contact or for all show-related inquiries!
also! wzly is proud to introduce M.U.S.I.C. N.E.W.S, tonight and every sunday night at 8, followed by an on-air theatrical reading at 9. tonight's feature? shakespearean sonnets. oh joy, new programming.
feb 15 W Z L Y [ e l e c t r i c l a d y l a n d ] g o e s O N - A I R t u e s d a y , F E B R U A R Y 2 1 .
feb 2 it's almost time to kick-start a new season of radio, which means that the WZLY GENERAL MEETING is coming up as well, to be held in PNW 212 at eight oh clock in the p.m. on SUNDAY FEBRUARY 12th. meet e-board, sign up for time slots or to intern, eat free snacks, and learn more about that lifeforce we all know and love: WZLY! oh, dub zee, what necessary distraction from our otherwise stressful lives you provide.
announcement of broadcasting dates will follow the meeting closely, so stay tuned for updates!
dec 8 DJs! electric ladyland will be off-air for winter break starting tuesday, december 13th, the last day of classes. additionally, the night of the 13th is wzly's bi-annual T R I V I A N I G H T. form teams of 5-15 people, tune in to 91.5 fm, and call in [x 2690] to answer questions. get 'em right to win a pizza party & more! contest starts at 10pm.
nov 11 WZLY is just chock-full of good news this month:
a. webcasting is up and running.
b. we have 7 new certified djs.
c. time to rock & roll: wzly's ROCK & ROLL & BEAR party is coming up, to be held on the 3rd of december in the lake house living room. 'twill be a jolly old rockin' time, my friends, so come ready to party. 21+ bring id.
oct 3
Webcasting Update:
As WZLY is currently in the process of a mass-scale overhaul, which in part entails switching our webcasting server to another computer, webcasting will be down for the next couple of days. if you are in or near the wellesley area, though, you can still tune in to 91.5 fm and, as is said in certain circles, 'flip it old school style.'
oct 1
WZLY is very much on the air for fall 2005, and you very much want to listen! tune in to webcasting, or check out the on-air schedule to see when your favorite DJs will be in-studio.
jun 24 2005
it is summertime. we are on the air. if you want to have a summer show or be an intern this summer, please email us.
apr 11 2005
The WZLY Elections for Fall 2005 Executive Board
Location: PNW212 // Time: 8pm // Date: Sunday, April 10
Mandatory for all station members
We also want to encourage all current DJs to consider running for executive board positions -- see my postings on the WZLY conference for more information. If you've ever wanted to have more WZLY in your life -- if you've ever wanted to plan concerts with the kind of bands you see in HR -- if you've ever wanted to DJ parties -- if you've ever wanted to make art for WZLY -- if you've ever wanted to hear all the new cds first -- if you've ever wanted to interact with record labels -- if you've ever wanted to learn more about the equipment we use -- this is the time. Most positions do not require any experience! Don't hesitate e-mail if you have any questions. Also, email if you cannot make it or if you have questions.
mar 28 2005 WZLY is proud to announce Ted Leo + Pharmacists, with special guest Mittens at Molly's Pub on Friday, April 22, doors at 8 pm. The event is free for Wellesley students with ID/ $7 non-Wellesley.
Email for non-Wellesley ticketing.
Sponsored by WZLY 91.5 fm, CLCE, Molly's Pub, W.E.E.D., Amnesty International, Unitarian Universalists, VPP Council, W.A.L.R.A., The Circle
feb 6 2005 WZLY General Meeting is Sunday, February 13 at 8pm. Location TBA.
Interested in becoming a DJ on Wellesley College's radio station, WZLY 91.5 fm? Come to our first general meeting of the semester! All DJs, newsies, and interns are required to attend so we can discuss new amendments to the WZLY constitution and do scheduling. If you are a DJ and you cannot attend this meeting, please email Lbritton [at] wellesley.edu 24 hours before the meeting with your explanation and email the Program Director, Ashira Greene agreene2 [at] wellesley.edu, your scheduling information. The schedule is created right after the general meeting and if you fail to email Ashira your information, you will be given last priority, regardless of how long you've been with the station.
Priority in scheduling is based on how many semesters a DJ has been with WZLY and has worked on the WZLY eboard. Please email that information to Ashira and choose at least 7 preferred slots on the schedule, once current executive board member's slots have been posted on the WZLY conference. Please realize that a record number of interns became DJs last semester, and the WZLY schedule is expanding. Please consider choosing late night/weekend night slots or DJing with a friend, especially if you haven't been with WZLY for very long. We will try to accomodate everyone, but we cannot promise you your number one slot, especially if it's a popular time. If you have any questions, please email LBritton [at] wellesley.edu
jan 11 2005 wzly is indeed on air for wintersession. check out the schedule and soothe your frostbitten ears.
jan 2 2005 the freaking walkmen are coming to play at molly's pub, my friends. the date is 02/04/05. be there. more info to come. for now, lets hope this will whet your appetite:
<< When they're not busy playing gigs in the OC or driving Saturns through early childhood, The Walkmen still miraculously find the time to release phenomenal albums. With their follow-up to 2002's Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me Is Gone, The Walkmen continue to tighten their songwriting; Bows and Arrows is the rare album that's equal parts hook-y accessibility and multi-layered, slow-burn appreciation. They rock sparingly but with great efficacy when it's time to bring down the house, launching into high-octane, guitar-steered thrillers-- notably the desperate betrayal of "The Rat"-- whenever it suits them. They also fill the gaps with beautiful, drunken remembrances ("My Old Man", "138th Street") and hushed piano numbers ("Hang On Siobhan")-- tracks that are easy in their laid-back simplicity but slowly reveal themselves to be subtle, elegant compositions. >>
dec 1 2004 IT IS TRIVIA TIME O YEAR! Thursday dec 9 / 10 pm / 91.5 fm. teams = any group of 5-15 people
prizes = pizza party + other rad stuff! Email Claire Howard, WZLY GM, to pre-register (pre-registeration is recommended but not required). Note: because there is a delay between real time broadcasting and webcasting, it is recommended that for the trivia contest you rock WZLY analog at 91.5 fm on your radio dial.
nov 16 2004 WZLY will not be on the air from Wednesday, November 24 until Sunday, November 28 for Wellesley's Thanksgiving break. WZLY will resume broadcasting on Monday, November 29. DJs, if you need a substitute DJ because of your Thanksgiving schedule, please find one now.
nov 3 2004
more! live! music! wzly presents RIGHT ROUND with DJs Doyle and Bookum [nov. 12, 10pm-1am at molly's pub] and a sampling of boston rock with the good north, passenger [nov. 13, 9pm at molly's pub].
* the halogens sound like: Beatles, Stereophonics, The Verve, Oasis, Travis, early Radiohead.
* passenger sounds like: Travis, Radiohead, Coldplay, Belle & Sebastian, the Stone Roses, the Smiths, Keane.
* the good north sounds like: old-school Britpop, new-school indie-rock, "densely ringing electric guitars, grand melodic gestures, and a panoramic sweep of space and sound.”
oct 6 2004
Friday, October 8: WZLY in on air, normal schedule
Saturday, October 9: WZLY is OFF-AIR
Sunday, October 10: WZLY is OFF-AIR
Monday, October 11: WZLY is OFF-AIR
Tuesday, October 12: WZLY is on air, normal schedule
Wedesday, October 13: WZLY in on air, Monday schedule
Thursday, October 14: WZLY is on air, normal schedule
On Monday October 11, WZLY will not be on the air. Wednesday October 13 is a Monday schedule for classes, so it is a Monday schedule for DJs. Please note that you will be DJing next Wednesday at your normal show time. If you have a job, prior commitment, et cetera & you can't make it, please get a substitute DJ as soon as possible.
sept 19 2004
OH MY GOSH, another concert for your listening pleasure: T H E F R E N C H K I C K S play molly's pub on october 22nd. free for wellesley students, meager price for off campus kids. you will not see the FK in a smaller venue unless they decide to play a private concert for you in the crawlspace under the stairs of your childhood home. Also, check out WWFKD to find out exactly what the french kicks would do.
sept 21 2004
WZLY is back on the air. see on-air schedule for, well, our on-air schedule.
august 10 2004 wzly is proud to announce an exclusive T H E F I E R Y F U R N A C E S rock show at molly's pub on september 8, 2004 at 9PM. this rocking good time will be preceded by another rocking good time courtesy of the "wzly best of summer" shindig at 8PM. be there.
august 6 2004 summer broadcasting is over. wipe those eyes and put the hanky back in your pocket, though, we'll be back on our fall broadcasting schedule in no time.
june 15 2004
wzly back on the air. check out 'on-air schedule' for our bodacious summer broadcasting programming. just in case there was any confusion:
.......sum·mer broad·cast (s m r brôd k st )
.......1. same semesterly musical goodness + frozen margaritas. uhhuh. no joke.
.......2. super 'effin awesome.
may 18 2004
school's out for summer, alice cooper style.
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